Coon Rapids is one of the top 15 largest cities in Minnesota, located within 20 minutes of downtown St Paul and Minneapolis. The community is home to over 60,000 residents, thousands of businesses who employ about 25,000 people and provide goods and services to local, regional, national and international markets. The City is home to a diverse base of manufacturing and research and development businesses, including manufacturers of medical instruments, aircraft parts, and electrical equipment. The City also includes a large amount of office space and over 2 million square feet of retail space in the Riverdale business district near US Highway 10 and Main Street. The City of Coon Rapids is committed to maintaining a positive business climate while helping new employers enter the market and developers explore opportunities for development.
Business Relief Grants The City will be offering COVID Relief Grants to Businesses Grants will be - •Up to $15,000 for businesses with fewer than 20 employees •Up to $30,000 for businesses with 20-100 employees Apply online September 1 –18, Visit—
City of Coon Rapids 11155 Robinson Drive NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433